Muir Woods, located less than an hour North of San Francisco, was declared a national monument by Theodore Roosevelt on January 9, 1908. Muir Woods is the first National Monument that was created solely because of a land donation from an individual. Congressman William Kent donated the land to protect redwoods, some of which are over 150 years old, from the logging industry boom. He also insisted it be named for John Muir, who is also known as the "Father of the National Parks."

Redwood trees are the tallest trees on Earth - the tallest tree at Muir Woods, which could be amongst some of the oldest trees at over 150 years old, is 258 feet tall. Redwoods used to cover two million acres of California and Oregon, but 95% were destroyed by logging.

I spent a couple hours walking roughly 5.5-6 miles through this gorgeous landscape. There are trails all around you can walk through, and they even build around fallen trees and other changing landscapes.

It stays cool on the bottom layer of this forest, so definitely bring a jacket to prepare for cold weather. It can also get really muddy after rainfall, so proper shoes are recommended. Finally, reservations are required for parking, as the park stays busy, especially during the summer months.

The redwoods are definitely my happy place, as there is a lot we can learn from nature. If you ever visit Muir Woods or any other location where the redwoods grow, leave a comment below!